We are the missing link between you and your potential customer. Find out how on our new home page. #LetsConnect
Let’s Connect!
We are the missing link between you and your potential customer. Find out how on our new home page. #LetsConnect
19 years in one spot and we’re finally getting a proper sign! We feel so grown up now. Everything has been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint and custom cut vinyl along with the nifty 3-D arch over our door.
Swing by, check it out, and say hello!
The card is still a concept but judgement has been made on the new logo for Atkinson Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Logos concerning law and justice can be challenging. Just about every conceivable cliche from gavels, to courthouses to the scales of justice have been used. Luckily, our client told us upfront that he didn’t want any of that. Instead, we focused on personality and growth. The result is a logo that is welcoming, comforting and optimistic. It is an approachable logo just like Atkinson Law Firm. Primed for growth, we agree with the settlement.
Thank you, Downtown Albuquerque Arts & Cultural District for trusting Studio Hill with your logo project!
Our goal was to create a fun, accessible brand identity that encompasses the breadth of arts + culture goings-on in the downtown district.
Let’s all support our dynamic local art scene!
The Arts & Cultural District creatively supports the arts and culture ecosystem of Downtown Albuquerque. They magnify the reach and capacity of innovative organizations and individuals, forging a vibrant and prosperous downtown community for everyone.
Studio Hill Design is pleased to announce that in conjunction with the City of Albuquerque Transit Department we have won a First Place Award in the 2017 Annual AdWheel Awards competition. The competition, sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association, accepts entries from municipalities across the country.
The winning entry for Best Marketing and Communications Educational Effort will be presented at American Public transportation Association’s 2017 Marketing & Communications Workshop in Tampa, Florida, Tuesday, February 28th. Don’t forget your swimsuit!