Branding? Check. Graphic Design? Check. Illustration? Check! We recently delivered a thick stack of these 18×24 posters to The Oldest House Indian Shop in Santa Fe. Also known as The De Vargas Street House, the structure was built in 1646 and is considered one of the oldest in America. Our approach to the subject was to honor the history of the location as well as pay homage to traditional travel posters. Our feeling is that we have hit the mark for both travelers and locals. If you plan to visit Santa Fe, you can expect to come across this image soon. It is an instant classic destined for distribution in many forms. Get to Oldest House asap if you want one from the first printing.
Category: Graphic Design
Let’s Connect!
We are the missing link between you and your potential customer. Find out how on our new home page. #LetsConnect
Albuquerque’s Mural Directory
Here is a promo we put together for our little side project MurosAbq.
MurosABQ is Albuquerque’s Mural Directory.
A special thank you goes out to Maddox & Co. and Garcia Automotive Group who stepped up to help fund the ambitious effort to get started. Information and support for the website were provided by Downtown Albuquerque Arts & Cultural District, City of Albuquerque Public Art, 516 ARTS, Warehouse 508, Working Classroom, and “a biz by bre.”
…and we’ve only just begun.
Curb Appeal at Studio Hill Design
19 years in one spot and we’re finally getting a proper sign! We feel so grown up now. Everything has been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint and custom cut vinyl along with the nifty 3-D arch over our door.
Swing by, check it out, and say hello!
Breaking Ground & Making Headlines Since 1986

More Mural Love! This time from Albuquerque’s Weekly Alibi.
Local designer Sandy Hill took a trip to Argentina and upon returning was inspired to highlight and honor Albuquerque’s public art in the ways that other world-class cities do.
Read the article here… visit MurosABQ here.
New Logo Design For Albuquerque’s Atkinson Law Firm
The card is still a concept but judgement has been made on the new logo for Atkinson Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Logos concerning law and justice can be challenging. Just about every conceivable cliche from gavels, to courthouses to the scales of justice have been used. Luckily, our client told us upfront that he didn’t want any of that. Instead, we focused on personality and growth. The result is a logo that is welcoming, comforting and optimistic. It is an approachable logo just like Atkinson Law Firm. Primed for growth, we agree with the settlement.
Value of street art recognized and celebrated in Albuquerque
Word gets around. Check out this nice little feature on from our friends down south. It seems even our neighbors appreciate the unique resource that our local artists provide in Albuquerque. Could a MurosRuidoso be on the horizon?
“Albuquerque is an art-filled city, and street art is such an authentic reflection of our heart, soul and people. These pieces deserve our attention.” in the News
Take a look at this awesome television report from local station KRQE about why we built Thanks for the sweet report by Allison Martinez.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Murals are everywhere around Albuquerque, and now there’s a website highlighting the best of them and helping you find them.
“There’s something just so artsy about here, I just love driving through,” said muralist Amelia Richardson. “You get to see so many murals and so many mosaics that you don’t get anywhere else.”
Portraying everything from nature and tradition, to history and religion, there’s an abundance of murals around Albuquerque.
Read the article from KRQE here…